The Gospel: At the Biblical Counseling Hub, we believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ is vital to every counseling relationship. Our goal is to see every counselee come to know Jesus Christ and/or grow in sanctification, with the ultimate goal of submitting every part of our lives to the Lordship of Christ. 

The Word of God: Our approach to biblical counseling is rooted in the belief that the Word of God is sufficient for all our spiritual, emotional, and relational needs. We do not rely on secular theories or techniques but rather on the timeless wisdom and truth of the Bible. Through an understanding of the truth of God's Word and the depth of His love and grace, biblical counseling can lead to true and lasting healing and transformation.  

One-another care: Biblical counseling is based on the principle of "one another care," which is caring for one another within the Body of Christ, supporting and helping each other through difficult times. At the Biblical Counseling Hub, we emphasize the importance of relationships in the context of community in the healing process. Counseling is just the start of the discipleship journey. Counselees will be encouraged to find a mature Believer to walk with them in the months and years after counseling ends. They will also be encouraged to get plugged in or more involved in a local fellowship. 

Always-free counseling: At the Biblical Counseling Hub, our counseling is always free. We know that biblical counseling can have a transformative impact on people's lives by helping them find healing, restoration, and growth in their relationships with God and others. We believe this should be accessible to everyone who seeks it at no charge. We rely on the generous investment of our financial partners who enable us to provide these services free of charge. 

Grace and hope: Biblical counseling offers hope to clients, through the power of God's grace and the possibility of transformation and growth. This means that biblical counselors seek to help clients see that change is possible and to provide them with the tools and resources they need to make positive, lasting changes in their lives.

Teaching and instruction: In biblical counseling, we teach and instruct just as much as we listen and sympathize. In a way, counseling sessions are like preparing and delivering a message—tailored specifically to that one person—each week. 

Prayer and the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the change agent in life and counseling. We spend time praying for and with our counselees, asking God to work in their lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our staff as well as our prayer support team also spends time in prayer for our counselees. We, as biblical counselors, do not have the ability to change people. Without a move of God in a person’s life, enduring, eternal change is not possible. 

Personal responsibility: We put the onus on the counselee to want to change, which will be proved, in part, by the willingness to complete sometimes rigorous homework each week. We expect our counselees to take ownership of their problems, rather than blaming external circumstances or other people. We also want our counselees to learn how to go to the Word of God and Christian resources once our counseling sessions conclude. 

Heart change: Biblical counseling will only help Believers in that non-Believers are incapable of real and lasting change without the indwelling Holy Spirit. If a counselee is not interested in real heart change and is unwilling to bend the knee to Jesus Christ and submit to God’s truth as communicated through His Word, we will not be able to help long term. We always try to boil issues and problems down to the root level—the true heart of the issue. 

Sin: Biblical counseling views sin as the root cause of many of the problems that people experience. Biblical counselors seek to address sin and its effects on a person's life, rather than just addressing symptoms or surface-level issues. 

Labels: At the Biblical Counseling Hub, we will do our best to never call something a disease that the Bible calls sin or to call something sin that the Bible doesn’t call sin.

We would like to invite you to join us in our desire to reach every person in our community with the hope and healing of the Gospel through the avenue of biblical counseling.